Subrata Fouzdar
3 min readJun 5, 2019

From manual Tester to DevOp to Full Stack Cloud Native developer

Well back in 2007 when I just came out of college I had a job straight out of campus. Life was at peak for me then with 2.4 lac/year salary I was feeling like king. All I thought was yeahhh I have a job I can get a motorcycle and fly around with my friends. No need to get worried of my parents I am earning and with career in IT I will hit it big …in fact I was not thinking of hitting at all.

As goes with most of the service-based IT companies in India I was put in for an initial training of 2 months. That was again a very rosy time for me I enjoyed fully and was still in college mode did not attend much training but passed all the exams without much of a fuss.

Manual Testing

One day after the end of the training one of the manager called me and asked me you will be put in manual testing, who cares about this jerk any way I will fly around so does not really matter what he tails so started some Manual testing in my life and continued till 2009 , till had some heartbreak and my life changed , suddenly I found I need something to hang on to and this manual stuff is not challenging enough

Automation Testing

I started to VB Script and QTP and tried some automation testing on mu own and asked my manager if I can work on some automation and luckily I was put in to sibel automation

2010 I changed my company and Joined GE and continued with QTP but I started exploring other tools Nunit and Junit and Coded UI

2011 Change again Coded UI and Nunit payed off and I went to Australia as an automation consultant, I had a phone and Jail broke to do some Rnd played around with Android Studio and got a chance to work on Demo and started working as a mobile automation tester

2012 -2015 Change again Can back to India and got a role as test lead , started playing with selenium and learned a bit of Java

Enter DevOps

2015 I changed company again and here heard the term DevOps , got some Rnd going in Ubuntu and did some very basic POC in Jenkins , found it to be pretty interesting and asked my manager if I can move from Testing to DevOps , but I don’t have any DevOps experience

Enter AWS

I was hearing about AWS in few of the meetings took a training and did the AWS certification and asked my manager again for DevOps opportunity , he was convinced this time and asked to give an interview for a DevOps project and I shed all my little knowledge of AWS which I got for certification and found that to be more than enough

Enter Cloud Native and Nodejs

I need to know the full picture this infrastructure and only pipe line is not enough , so I started learning Angular previous Java knowledge helped in Typescript, Previous Automation testing experience helped in CI/CD, Previous Unit testing exp and DevOps all helped to have a full SDLC knowledge.


Even though life is not as rocking as it was in 2007 with Manual testing , I feel If I can do it any one who are stuck with testing and support project can do it idea is to keep an eye on the industry and trust me if you just do one POC hands on you will get admiration form the people who are only stuck with jargon (AI to be one) . Next I am looking into block chain as I feel this is the next big thing coming.

Subrata Fouzdar
Subrata Fouzdar

Written by Subrata Fouzdar

Nodejs AWS enthusiast , wanna be digital nomad

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